Journal Publications

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Intermediate Transfer Rates and Solid-State Ion Exchange are Key Factors Determining the Bifunctionality of In2O3/HZSM-5 Tandem CO2 Hydrogenation Catalyst

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
F Mahnaz, JR Mangalindan, BC Dharmalingam, J Vito, YT Lin, M Akbulut, …

Introduction to Electricity Markets

Market Operation for Reactive Power Ancillary Service: Design and Analysis …
D Jay, K Shanti Swarup

Introduction to Functional Materials: Synthesis, Properties, Environmental Sustainability, and General Applications

Functional Materials for the Oil and Gas Industry, 1-22
Y Kumar, KK Paswan, K Nayan, G Pandurangappa, D Dwivedi, …

Introduction to Model Predictive Control

Design and Development of Model Predictive Primary Control of Micro Grids …
P Vidyasagar, K Shanti Swarup

Introduction to Two-Phase Flow—Flow Patterns and Maps

Vapor Liquid Two Phase Flow and Phase Change, 1-22
SK Das, D Chatterjee

In-Tube and Dropwise Condensation

Vapor Liquid Two Phase Flow and Phase Change, 299-328
SK Das, D Chatterjee

Investigation into a Frequency Coupling Matrix of an Adjustable Speed Drive for System Level Harmonic Studies in Sequence Domain

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Year 2023 DOI:10.1109/JESTPE.2023.3322148
Yadav J.;Vasudevan K.;Meyer J.;Kumar D.

Investigation of anaerobic digested pyrolysis oil and waste derived biodiesel blends as sustainable fuel for marine engine application

Fuel 357, 129935
V Sharma, AK Hossain, G Griffiths, JC Manayil, R Vinu, G Duraisamy

Investigation of Nanostructure and Interactions in Water-in-Xylene Microemulsions Using Small-Angle X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Langmuir 39 (13), 4701-4711
P Rastogi, D Honecker, D Alba Venero, N Mahmoudi, NS Kaisare, …

Investigation of water and polymer flooding for enhanced oil recovery method in differential lobe pore structure

Indian Chemical Engineer 65 (2), 143-154
S Chowdhury, M Rakesh, JS Sangwai

Investigation on Carbon particle formation with Electro-Thermal ageing of Transformer oil

2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), 1-4
SK Amizhtan, R Sarathi, R Vinu, H Edin, N Taylor

Investigation on the Effect of Ionic Liquids and Quaternary Ammonium Salts on the Kinetics of Methane Hydrate

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 62 (45), 18852-18866
P Gupta, S Mondal, RL Gardas, JS Sangwai

Investigation on the Role of Acidity for NH3 Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO on Mo/Fe2O3 single Atom Catalyst

AIChE Annual Meeting
T Selvaraj, P Aghalayam, JJ Varghese

Ionic Liquids in Advanced Oil Dispersion

SP Padinhattath, B Chenthamara, J Sangwai, RL Gardas

Iterative multiscale and multi-physics computations for operando catalyst nanostructure elucidation and kinetic modeling

A Rajan, AP Pushkar, BC Dharmalingam, JJ Varghese

Kinetics of Methane Hydrate Inhibition in MgBr2, CaBr2, and ZnBr2 Solutions

Energy & Fuels 37 (3), 2262-2274
DR Bhawangirkar, JN Anil, JS Sangwai

LCLC Resonant Converter for Solar PV to Grid Application

2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen …
C Nagesha, N Lakshminarasamma

Leveraging Torsional and Steric Strains: A Pre‐macrocyclization Strategy Enables Conformation‐Specific Fullerene Binding in m‐Cyclophanes

Angewandte Chemie 135 (41), e202305005
P Kumar, VBR Mani Kandan, P Balakrishnan, PKS Antharjanam, …

Lignin depolymerization to guaiacol and vanillin derivatives via catalytic transfer hydrogenolysis using Pd-Lewis metal oxide supported on activated carbon catalysts

Molecular Catalysis 549, 113474
MM Kumar, VS Prabhudesai, R Vinu

Low-pressure steam generating heat pump–A design and field implementation case study

Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 45, 102140
S Koundinya, J Jothilingam, S Seshadri

Low-Temperature Synthesized Pt3Fe Alloy Nanoparticles on Etched Carbon Nanotubes Catalyst Support Using Oxygen-Deficient Fe2O3 as a Catalytic Center for …

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 11 (8), 3334-3345
D Ganguly, K Ramanujam, R Sundara

LTI-MPC for the Micro-grid Control

Design and Development of Model Predictive Primary Control of Micro Grids …
P Vidyasagar, K Shanti Swarup

LTV-MPC with Extended “TAIL”

Design and Development of Model Predictive Primary Control of Micro Grids …
P Vidyasagar, K Shanti Swarup

Market Operation for Reactive Power Ancillary Service: Design and Analysis with GAMS Code

Springer Nature
D Jay, KS Swarup

Mathematical Modelling of a Micro-grid

Design and Development of Model Predictive Primary Control of Micro Grids …
P Vidyasagar, K Shanti Swarup

Mechanism of electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction to formate on tin electrode

Chemical Engineering Journal 482, 148972
A Naikkath, NG Mohan, K Ramanujam, R Srinivasan

Mechanistic analysis of the dissociative reduction of nitrogen to ammonia by ZnMn2O4 catalyst derived from spent batteries

Catalysis Today 423, 113898
T Gurusamy, NG Mohan, GR Kandregula, DK Murugaiah, R Srinivasan, …

Methane Hydrate Growth Kinetics in the Presence of Alkaline Solutions of Sodium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide: Experiments and Modeling

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 62 (43), 17616-17630
R Sarkhel, R Dehury, R Kumar, JS Sangwai

Methodology for modeling spray cooling of a cylindrical tube heated in the film boiling regime

International Journal of Multiphase Flow 171, 104662
N Banerjee, C Tropea, S Seshadri

Methodology to compute spray cooling in the nucleate boiling regime

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 225, 125375
N Banerjee, C Tropea, S Seshadri

Microbial enhanced oil recovery: application of biosurfactants in oil and gas industry

Challenges and Recent Advances in Sustainable Oil and Gas Recovery and …
G Pandey, T Poothia, J Singh, JS Sangwai

Microfluidic Investigation of Surfactant-Assisted Functional Silica Nanofluids in Low-Salinity Seawater for Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Reservoir-on-a-Chip

Energy & Fuels 37 (14), 10329-10343
G Kumar, E Mani, JS Sangwai

Micro-grid Introduction and Overview

Design and Development of Model Predictive Primary Control of Micro Grids …
P Vidyasagar, K Shanti Swarup

Microwave-assisted rapid pyrolysis of woodblock without adding susceptor and detailed product analysis

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-10
BR Reddy, S Sarkar, R Vinu

Microwave-assisted torrefaction of biomass Kappaphycus alvarezii–based biochar and magnetic biochar for removal of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] from aqueous …

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 14 (3), 3643-3653
K Govindaraju, R Vinu, R Gautam, R Vasantharaja, M Niranjan, I Sundar