Krithika Ravi

Assistant Professor, Biotechnology

Phone: 91-44-2257-4146

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May 2022 – Present: Assistant Professor

Research Areas

ā€¢ Biodegradation and conversion of plastics to platform chemicals
ā€¢ Microbial valorization of biomass components to value added products
ā€¢ Upgradation of Kraft lignin processes

Selected Journal Publications

ā€¢ Garcia-Hidalgo J, Brink DP, Ravi K, Paul CJ, Liden G, Gorwa-Grauslund MF (2020). Vanillin production in Pseudomonas: whole-genome sequencing of Pseudomonas sp. 9.1 and re-annotation of PseudomonasputidacalA as a vanillin reductase.Applied and Environmental Microbiology 02442-19 doi:10.1128/AEM.02442-19.

ā€¢ Abdelaziz OY, Ravi K, Mittermeier F, Meier S, Riisager A, Liden G, Hulteberg CP (2019) Oxidative Depolymerization of Kraft Lignin for Microbial Conversion. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b01605

ā€¢ Abdelaziz OY, Ravi K, Nobel M, Tuna P, Turner C, Hulteberg CP (2019) Membrane filtration of alkali-depolymerised kraft lignin for biological conversion. Bioresource Technology Reports:100250 doi:

ā€¢ Ravi K, Garcia-Hidalgo J, Brink DP, Skyvell M, Gorwa-Grauslund MF, Liden G (2019) Physiological characterization and sequence analysis of a syringate-consuming Actinobacterium. Bioresource Technology 285:121327 doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2019.121327

ā€¢ Garcia-Hidalgo J, Ravi K, Kure L-L, Liden G, Gorwa-Grauslund MF (2019) Identification of the two-component guaiacol demethylase system from Rhodococcus rhodochrous and expression in Pseudomonas putida EM42 for guaiacol assimilation. AMB Express 9(1):34 doi:10.1186/s13568-019-0759-8

Research Projects

  • Chemo-microbial upgradation of waste plastics to platform chemicals – School of Sustainability, IITM – 2024 to 2025.
  • Chemical and biological upgradation of waste sugarcane bagasse lignin into dicarboxylic acids via a novel approach – DBT – 2024 to 2027.

Patent Details

<Details will come here>

Awards & Recognitions

ā€¢ ā€˜Basta doktorandpresentation vid Ekmandagarna 2019ā€™ with a prize of 50,000 SEK (Swedish krona) as travel scholarship.
ā€¢ ā€˜The best science slam speakerā€™ during an alumni event, held at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, Sweden (Sep 2018).
ā€¢ ā€œSpathaspora Hagerdaliaeā€ award for excellent research in renewable resources with a prize of 20,000 SEK (May 2018).
ā€¢ DAAD scholarship under IIT Master Sandwich Program and worked at Technische University, Dresden(Oct. 2014 – March 2015).
ā€¢ Life Member in the ā€˜Society of Biological Chemists (India)ā€™.