Swapna Singha Rabha
Assistant Professor
Phone: +91 44 22574191
Research Areas
Multiphase flows, Permeable media, Advance imaging techniques, Carbon capture and storage, Process intensifications, Computational fluid dynamics, Reactive transport modelling.
Selected Journal Publications
- Adsorption of H2 in porous solid sorbents using a two-phase modelling approach.
- The effects of pH, ionic strength, and natural organics on the transport properties of carbon nanotubes in saturated porous medium
- Experimental study and discrete element method simulation of Geldart Group A particles in a small-scale fluidized bed.
- The NETL MFiX Suite of multiphase flow models: A brief review and recent applications of MFiX-TFM to fossil energy Technologies.
- Simulation of gas-liquid flow in a helical static mixer.
- A New Statistical Parameter for Identifying the Main Transition Velocities in Bubble Columns*.
- Visualization and quantitative analysis of dispersive mixing by a helical static mixer in upward co-current gas-liquid flow.
Research Projects
Patent Details
Awards & Recognitions
- Research award for excellence of research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Dresden, Germany, February 2013.
- Rabha, S. (2014) Characterization of gas-liquid flow mixing with static mixers, Annual meeting of the multiphase flows and heat and mass transfer, Fulda, Germany.
- Rabha, S. (2013) Three phase flow simulations of slurry bubble column reactor, Reactive transport meeting, Leipzig, Germany.
- Rabha, S. (2012) Experimental investigations of slurry bubble column using ultra-fast electron beam X-ray tomography, 22nd International symposium on chemical reaction engineering on, Maastricht, The Netherlands.